Adding or Dropping a Course

Adding/Dropping a Course After the Fifth Day of Classes

If it is before the fifth day of classes, please use the Permit Request Form!

The online registration system will not allow you to drop only one course if there is a corequisite class or lab linked to it.

First, determine if the Add/Drop form needs to be completed.

  • Add/Drop Form is not needed:
    • If the student wants to drop a course that does not have a lab co-requisite or wants to drop both lab and lecture courses that are co-requisites of each other they can do that online through Appalnet.
  • Add/Drop Form is needed:
    • If the student wants to keep only the lecture or only the lab for courses that are co-requisites of each other.
    • If a student would like to drop CHE 1101 and the student is taking BIO 1801 they need to use the drop form to ask to keep BIO 1801 and needs to be approved by the BIO department. The co-requisite for BIO 1801 is CHE 1101.

Directions to Complete an Add/Drop Request Form

Determine if a form is needed with the information above.

As you can imagine, this is quite a process, involving multiple steps, faculty, and staff. That having been said, DO NOT wait to get your Drop/Add paperwork completed. Please complete the appropriate form linked below.

To DROP a course after the drop/add registration period has closed:

Drop Form to Petition to Individually Drop a Chemistry Lecture or Lab

To ADD a course after the drop/add registration period has closed:

Form to ADD a course

Please note that when you register for a dropped class again, you will need to request a permit to register for only lecture or lab and not both courses.

If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact the office via telephone 828-262-3010 or email